Technology in Special Education
Stephanie Tyler had a great idea to raise the awareness of technology to the special education department. Although the first video on the assignment wasn't that well organized it did allow the viewers, such as myself to actually get the feel for how their classrooms runs. I am considering special education because I have always had a heart for it, so this video made me realize how greatly needed technology is in the classroom. Special needs kids do require a lot of attention and there isn't always time for that one on one time that some desperately need. Which is why technology was truly a miracle for these students.
I will be honest I haven't had a whole lot of time to really investigate and do research on which type of technology would be needed for special needs students. Although it would be amazing to have a computer for each student or at least one for two maybe three kids. I would also consider making special lessons for these students to use on the computer, of course it would have to be altered constantly to the exact needs of the students. Special Education definitely needs to be payed some more attention to and included in the rise of technology in the classroom because if anything those students need it more.
Ipad's for Autism
Apple has become technologically advanced that it blows my mind. Apps for students to further there education while using the worlds latest invention of miniature on the go computers. Special needs students definitely all need to be given a free one if they can't afford it because its amazing how well they can function using them. As I browsed through a few of the applications for special needs students I would definitely chose to use a history and geography app that had a globe that you can touch and route along with searching for countries and even just basic things such as the states. I think it is important to be able to at least know North America and the 50 states because we are Americans and everyone should know where they live, including the special needs kids.
Gary Haye's Social Media Count
Wow, is all I could say after watching those numbers drastically change. Its amazing how technology is growing throughout the world. I clicked the one year tab and saw ginormous numbers that continue to exceed any of my thoughts or expectations. The number of new internet users in 60 seconds is about 1,500 people and then in one year that numbers increases to 318 million and counting. These numbers intimidate me as a student in this class and a future teacher because that means every day there are more and more people learning how to use computers. So, in my mind I need to step up my knowledge of technology so my students won't be teaching me. As for my professional career as a teacher I couldn't be more excited to see what new technological ways tthere will be to teach in your classroom that will allow the students to adore.
A Vision of Students Today
If I was a teacher that still used a chalkboard and only made my students memorize material for tests, so they could easily forget it, then I would be ashamed after watching that video. The video that the students at Kansas State University did a wonderful job getting the viewers attention very quickly. Also I think choosing to write there messages down was definitely a good idea considering readers tend to remember better after viewing the words and reading them for themselves, rather then someone speaking them to directly to you. The video made me have to pay close attention to each piece of paper, so I wouldn't miss anything.
In the eyes of an educator it is upsetting to see those students so distressed and unconnected in the classroom. Wasting time and money to not learn anything is so frustrating that it makes me as a future educator to make sure that is not how my classroom will operate. As a student who has experienced those types of situations inside a classroom I can relate to there frustration. Teachers who just force material and terms into your head that it goes through one ear and out the other the second it is spoken, is a disgrace to the education system. Our world is in the the 21st century and it is about time for the education system to advance with the world before it is to late. Being able to understand the disappoint that was all over those students faces in the video of there lack of learning but yet still paying for an education bothers me to the core. This sort of thing happens every day in the classrooms and it needs to change and I hope it starts soon.
Be careful with portable paragraphs and include links. Everything else seemed alright, though.